Spent the past week tearing apart old jeans into strips, sewing them together and "reupholstering" a lawn chair:
It started out like this:
Stripped it down:
Finished product (the original chair was missing one screw, so I need to pick one of those up sometime...but it is usable as is):
Also, we traded or baler in on a newer model that won't break down twice a day. When you are trying to do custom work for other people, there is no way you can be broken down most of the day. You need to pull in, bale it up and get out. We traded off the lemon as our down payment, and the yearly payments don't start until next August. We are going to sell our planter sometime between now and then, and apply all of that equity to the baler, have them reamortize, and then the payments will be less than what the planter payments were. We got a 5 year loan for 3.99%.
The importance of these two things should be switched. But I don't have pictures of the new baler
new (?) lawn chair
June 20th, 2010 at 07:18 pm
June 20th, 2010 at 07:19 pm 1277057967
June 21st, 2010 at 02:18 am 1277083116
June 21st, 2010 at 03:02 pm 1277128935