I don't know why, but http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com has inspired me this weekend. I admit I haven't done too well managing my house, well, ever. Always dishes to wash, clothes to wash. The bathroom is dirty. The floors are dirty. I don't know why, but this weekend, it just got to be too much, and I started attacking.
Kitchen looks very nice now. All dishes are done and put away. Cleaned the outside of all the cabinets, moved some drawer contents around, etc.
Started planning my meals out today as well. That's what the meals on the side bar are about. I'm listing all the ingredients for making that stuff, so I can easily pick from the list to make a menu. I'll probably add a grocery list page, too, so I can access this at home and at work.
I'm just doing suppers. We eat leftovers for lunch, or DH grills something for himself when I'm at work. Toast, peaches (lately, but not for much longer), and sausage is breakfast.
When I got home today after shopping, I took the polish sausages and split them into 4-sausage packets. That way if we want to grill them, 4 will be enough for us and we won't have to thaw the entire package out.
I also chopped up every green, red, and yellow pepper I have. I have a bad habit of buying peppers and then not remembering if I have any and then buying more, so I waste a lot. I ended up chopping like 10! I bought 6 and found 4 in my fridge...but they are now all chopped up and mixed up and put in ziploc bags in 2 cup portions, so I can just grab and go now.
I also made bread today. I mean, what is up with that? I don't know. It is doing its final rising now, and we'll see how it goes. Hope it tastes good! It is just normal white flour bread, since thefamilyhomestead.com said try that first and then get fancy. I would like to start making whole wheat bread, even going so far as to grind my own wheat I take from our combine. How awesome would that be? Of course, I'd have to get a grinder, and those look kind of pricey. I'll see how I do with the bread making for a while before getting one of those.
I also bought the stuff to make my own laundry detergent. Ivory soap, washing soda and borax. I'll try that tomorrow.
I also ran tonight with Bandit. Man, I've had a busy night!
September 22nd, 2009 at 05:09 am
September 22nd, 2009 at 05:13 am 1253592820
September 22nd, 2009 at 12:13 pm 1253618032
September 22nd, 2009 at 02:00 pm 1253624450
September 22nd, 2009 at 02:34 pm 1253626476
September 22nd, 2009 at 10:54 pm 1253656473
Flylady dot net inspires me.
September 22nd, 2009 at 11:15 pm 1253657708
As to the peppers, I forgot to mention I put the cut up ones in the freezer! It wouldn't do any good to keep them in the fridge...they would all go bad anyway!
And thanks to Princess Perky (I think?), who ages ago shared that when she wants to get air out of plastic bags she lowers the bag into water to get all the air out. I have been doing that and love how I can pretty much "vaccuum seal" it. The packages stack better too!