Putting what was on my side bar in a blog entry, just for record keeping sake.
- Programs
- Gifts
- Flowers for people
- Tuxes
- Flowers for church
- Pew Bows
- Marriage License
- Big framed marriage license (to get signatures)
- White and blue plastic tablecloths
- Long lighter for candles at reception
- Balloons
- Air Compressor and blow nozzle
- Balloon sticks and cups
- Pole bending poles
- Cellophane
- Curling Ribbon
- Centerpieces
- Table Tents
- Cake table:
- Napkins
- plates
- forks
- nuts
- M&Ms
- punch stuff
- flowers
- cake top
- background
- lace tablecloth
- Stuff to cut the cake
- 2 gallon pitchers
- 4 white grape juice with peach
- 8 ginger ale 2 liters
- Napkins for meal
- Bowls
- Water crystals / strainer
- Candles
- Fake Champagne glasses
- M&Ms and Hershey's Kisses for tables
- Blue Bows
- scissors / tape / duct tape / stapler
- Alcohol
- Hefty bags
- Stuff for punch
- Guest pages / pen
- 8X10 picture of us
- After framed marriage license is signed, take to VFW
- Bring "card" box - wrap a box with wedding wrapping paper and have a slit in it for people to put cards
- Guest book pages and pens
- Back drop from K and R
- Directions from old church to new church
- My necklace / earrings / bracelet / hair clip
- My rings
- His ring
- Written out Thank you notes
- tennis shoes and white lacy socks
- Lacy shoes
- Black coat
- Makeup bag
- Emergency kit with black/white/blue thread, tweezers, deodorant, tape, hair pins, kleenex, uh, woman's stuff, etc.
- Flower girl crowns
- Ring bearer pillow
- Bags packed for honeymoon
- Folder with directions
- Knee brace
- Static Guard
- Clean the pole bending poles
- Make emergency kit - black/white/blue thread, tweezers, deodorant, tape, hair pins, kleenex, napkins, safety pins
- Pick up tuxes 1/24
- Meet with DJ 1/24
- Call the benefits center to let them know to start coverage - 1-866-508-8058 (2/4/08)
- Call Sincerely Yours to pay for arch
- Call Complete music to pay for DJ
- Pack for honeymoon
- book for drive
- Get Nails done
- Go to Confession
- Make pearl hair clip
- Print sign for Card Box
- Print sign for Guest book
- Get pickup washed
- Get Oil change
- Final fitting of my wedding dress
- Print directions from old church to new church
- Write out checks for Glenna and VFW
- have my two rings soldered together
- Get backdrop from K and R
- Make "card" box - wrap a box with wedding wrapping paper and have a slit in it for people to put cards
- Wrap box holding programs
- Get liquor
- Make guest book pages from card stock
- Buy pens
- Pick up bowls from co-worker
- Get a dress for last bridesmaid
- call everyone and tell them the plan for rehearsal and wedding day
- Call cake lady with final number (312 RSVP'd...we're going with 325 to be safe)
- Call caterer with final number (312 RSVP'd...we're going with 325 to be safe)
- Tell MIL to call Meridy's to let them know how many people will be at the rehearsal dinner
- Make pew bows
- Get final count on rehearsal dinner (32)
- Pick up the marriage license (after 1/10/08 - three day waiting period)
- Wrap ring bearer gift
- Buy more cellaphane
- Buy more punch glasses, forks, napkins, cake plates (more people than I thought are coming)
- Buy more flowers to put on cake
- Bachellorette party - January 12 (!)
- Book room at hotel for wedding night
- Look up directions to hotels and cabin and print out
- Get cool pen for guest book
- Get cake topper
- Call VFW guy to coordinate getting in the day before
- Get my dad measured for his tux top
- Pick up flowers from Aya
- Ask M for "pole bending" poles and pick up
- Make necklaces for flower girls
- Get long lighter for candles at reception
- Buy blue plastic for the head / cake tables and pole bending poles
- Buy cake plates
- Buy balloon sticks and cups
- Buy his wedding ring
- Meet with Glenna to finalize the wedding cake
- Meet with organist to go over the music
- Ask Glenna if she is going to handle the plates, napkins, forks for cake - No, I am
- Get flower girl dresses
- Make the veil
- Get strapless bra (or halter bra) - Got a bra that mom is going to sew into the dress.
- Check out prices for helium - NO FRICKIN WAY. TOOOOO EXPENSIVE. Going to use forms and air instead.
- Make table centerpieces out of balloons, sand, ribbon, curling ribbon, and cellophane.
- Make program for wedding
- Write out thank you cards for Fr. David, singer, organist, eucharistic minister, ushers, program attendant, alter servers, etc.
- Get gift boxes for necklaces / earrings
- Buy sand
- Gift for ring bearer - toy truck and trailer
- pick out songs for ceremony
- Get white tennis shoes
- Buy blue, white and silver M&Ms
- Tell groomsmen where to get tux tops and what else to wear
- Buy napkins for dinner.
- Send invitations to cake lady and organist
- Buy pocket watches for groomsmen
- Seal, stamp invitations and send OR hand them out (by end of November)
- Tell Aya to make a corsage for eucharistic minister, singer, organist, reader
- Send $60 to R for the Flower Girl dresses
- pick out guys' tuxes
- Find someone to hand out programs - Bessie
- pick out songs for reception...first dance, etc.
- get his black Wranglers
- get his black boots
- Make table tents
- Bridal shower October 28
- Put numbers on RSVP cards so I can know who is actually coming (in case their handwriting sucks)
- Stuff envelopes
- Meet with Fr. David for the third time to go over FOCCUS results.
- Order my dress from ebay store middle of October
- Address invitations
- Tie invitations with ribbon
- If I change my phone number, let all vendors know that!
- Make necklaces and earrings for bridesmaids and other family
- Get Bridesmaid's dresses (Three were on sale!)
- finish registering for gifts
- Reserve Meridy's for rehearsal dinner
- Book cabin for honeymoon
- Buy pearls and other jewelry making stuff (will be around $11 per necklace & earring set)
- Stamps on RSVP cards
- Print out maps and have Copy Max cut them
- Order thank you cards from printsmadeeasy.com (they came in. they look beautiful)
- Meet with Fr. David (for the 2nd time, after church this Sunday. Need to take Engaged Encounter certificate)
- Have hotels in Russell reserve blocks of rooms for guests
- Punch holes in invitations
- Print out invitations.
- Get cake person. Glenna will do it. 698-2458. She has an arch we can decorate. She has a punch fountain and we can provide the punch or she can do it. She can make the mints...but I was going to have blue and gray M&M's...may be cheaper. Want to have sheet cakes for the guests to eat, $27.50 for 30 servings, and a two tiered cake for the head table.
- Meet with Fr. David (1st time)
- Get Ring Bearer pillow
- Get tiaras for flower girls
- Buy flowers/vases and give to my sister #3 to make...thank you A.!!!
- Get Singer (Marla) / Organist (Kathy)
- Send Save the Date cards
- Go to Engaged Encounter (Aug 10-12)
- Get guest list from my mom, his mom, and then fill in the blanks for who I want to invite. His list is done.
- Order water crystals (for decorations)
- Order "save the date" cards
- Send Complete Music agreement and deposit
- Get engagement pictures
- Know who the attendants will be and ask them
- Photographer - my sister #1 is going to do it.
- Confirmed church with Fr. Charlie
- Decide on a color dammit: BLUE and GRAY
- Steve Dlabel will do the catering. $8 / plate. 658-3434
- Confirm with VFW and put down security deposit
Spent on the wedding:
6/29/07: Resize rings - $77.08
7/06/07: Vellum - $37.97
7/19/07: Tulle & Ribbons - $40.98
7/22/07: VFW Deposit - $150
7/23/07: DJ Deposit - $100
7/24/07: Engaged Encounter - $200
7/24/07: Invitation paper - $12.97
7/24/07: Ribbon - $7.80
7/25/07: Envelopes - $137.85
7/29/07: Bridesmaid dress (A's) - $21.46
7/29/07: Bubbles and tiara from Walmart - $36.40
8/4/07 - Save the Date Postcards - $48.84
8/12/07 - Printer labels - $5.68
8/13/07 - Stamps - $65.00
8/16/07 - Hole punch - $2.14
8/24/07 - Flowers, misc decorations - $269.48
8/31/07 - Bridesmaid Dress - $58.17
9/02/07 - Bridesmaid Dress - $42.92
9/06/07 - Cut invitations and buy ream of copy paper - $14.29
9/10/07 - 400 yds blue ribbon - $15.50
9/11/07 - Thank you cards, 300 for $44.84 including shipping
9/13/07 - Postcard postage - $78.00
9/26/07 - Pearls and jewelry making stuff - $140.11 (will make 13 necklaces and earring pairs)
10/3/07 - Reservation for honeymoon cabin - $145.73
10/19/07 - Groomsmen gifts - $166.57
10/22/07 - Dress - $359.99
11/15/07 - Return to Walmart +70.40
11/15/07 - Paper - $18.33
11/15/07 - Table tent cutting - $5.31
11/21/07 - Shoes - $26.76
11/21/07 - Jeans / Boots - 105.42
11/24/07 - Ring Bearer's outfit - $53.53
11/27/07 - Flower Girl Dresses - $60.00
11/27/07 - Stamps for invitations - $104.40
11/27/07 - Vellum for programs - $20.98
11/26/07 - More Flowers - $14.08
11/29/07 - Hershey's Kisses - $14.48
12/3/07 - Groomsman gift - $26.81
12/8/07 - Bridesmaid dress - $82.50
12/11/07 - Napkins and plastic champaign glasses - $60.55
12/11/07 - Tulle - $32.18
12/13/07 - Cut and drill holes for programs - $8.50
12/16/07 - Balloons - $86.67
12/17/07 - M&Ms - $68.61
12/17/07 - Cellophane and curling ribbon - $13.90
12/18/07 - Money for thank you cards - $160
12/19/07 - His brother's tux - $53.53
12/20/07 - Staples - $4.69
12/20/07 - Sand - $4.33
12/20/07 - Program guts - $59.52
12/21/07 - Photographer - $300
12/21/07 - Florist - $200
12/28/07 - Nuts - $20.13
12/29/07 - His wedding ring - $40.68
12/29/07 - Forks, cups, tealights, nozzle to blow up balloons - $45.40
01/02/08 - Cake plates and plastic for tables - $93.41
01/04/08 - Fabric for dress - $12.85
01/11/08 - Cake top and fancy pen - $24.64
01/14/08 - More plates - $14.84
01/14/08 - More cups, napkins, flowers, forks - $46.52
01/14/08 - More cellaphane - $3.71
01/16/08 - Cut guest book - $3.47
01/17/08 - Liquor - $347.23
01/17/08 - Pens for guest book - $4.03
01/21/08 - Half of J's bridesmaid dress - $35
01/21/08 - Cake - $335
01/21/08 - Supper - $2600
01/21/08 - Hall rental - $400
01/24/08 - DJ - $500
01/24/08 - Balloon arch $53.65
01/26/08 - Pop/mixers/beer/ice at reception to VFW $101.00
Total: $8394.54
wedding list
January 27th, 2008 at 04:01 am
February 4th, 2009 at 09:22 am 1233739365
please dont ever delete this entry! i'll be using it for reference in the future
February 5th, 2009 at 05:02 am 1233810167