Home > 26% off the groomsmen gifts

26% off the groomsmen gifts

October 19th, 2007 at 04:02 pm

Got 7 of the 8 groomsmen gifts...well, 5 for the groomsmen, 1 for each dad, and need one for my fiance still. Got them nice Wrangler pocketwatches from Shepler's.

They were $29.99 each. I had 3 33% off coupons, so for three of them, I saved $9.90, or paid $20.09 each. With each purchase, I got a coupon for either $5 off a $25 purchase, $10 off a $40 purchase or $25 off a $100 purchase. So, I bought the other 4, which was $119.96 - $25 = $94.96

Total: $20.09 * 3 + $94.96 = $155.23 / 7 = $22.17 a piece. That is about 26% off each of them!

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