Home > thank you postcards

thank you postcards

September 11th, 2007 at 05:25 pm

Got our first engagement gift the other day. Ok, so it was a gag gift from my fiance's aunt that thoroughly embarrassed him (or em-bare-assed him, if you know what I mean Wink). But that got me thinking that I'll need to send out a lot of thank you cards in the next few months.

So, instead of running to walmart to buy their thank you card set, I figured I could make them for cheaper. First of all, postcards just have got to be less expensive than a folded thank you card plus envelope, and second of all, postcards only cost $.26 for a stamp while envelopes cost $.41.

I called my mom to see if postcards were socially acceptable, and she said yes, so long as I write out the actual thank you part on the back. So, I just had to figure out what the postcard should look like.

I made one with the font that I used for the invitations, just simple and plain with "Thank You" on the front.

I also made one with "Thank You" in different languages.

And I also found one online that is a pretty green with a funky looking tree on it...and surprisingly, my fiance, a co-worker and I all liked this one.

I was going to print them all out myself and have Copy Max cut them, but I decided that my printer didn't print that one out good enough, and it costs $1 per page for Copy Max to print them. That is $.20 a piece just for the printing, plus you have to add $6 for the cutting.

So, instead, I uploaded that picture to and ordered them glossy with nothing on the back (would have added about $10 to the order just to put my return address on them...and I'm moving after the wedding, so my return addres would be wrong and I couldn't use them after that anyway). I got 300 of them for $35.99 + $8.85 for shipping, so $44.84 total or $.15 a piece. I picked the cheapest shipping...I could have spent like $30 to get them here tomorrow, but that isn't necessary...they'll be here by next week and that is soon enough.

5 Responses to “thank you postcards”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I like your final choice. I'd be happy to get such a post card thank you, especially with your and _your husband's_ personal notes on back.

  2. cptacek Says:

    Good point...I will have to make him help me write those out. Boy, that will be like pulling teeth.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I love that third one. It's lovely. A hint on the thank you cards: I made my husband write out the ones that were for his friends and family and I did the ones to my friends, family, and our mutual friends. I also made it known amongst family who was repsonsible for which thank you cards. He knew if he didn't do his share, his whole family would know it was his fault! I did sit with him while he did his, though.

  4. cptacek Says:

    Thank you. Something about it is just so calming and magical.

  5. cptacek Says:

    Well, I confirmed that this was definately cheaper. I looked in Target the other day, and the cheapest I could find was 12 for $2.99, or ~$.25 a piece PLUS another $.15 for postage for a card and envelope vs. a postcard.

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